Comb Making – From a Boškarin Horn to Comb and Hairstyle

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The exhibition is a result of collaboration between Staro Selo Museum's Centre for Traditional Crafts and Skills and Ethnographic Museum of Istria's Centre for Intangible Culture of Istria, whose activities are aimed toward fostering the intangible cultural heritage.

The exhibition shows a part of a common past as well as of common present, as well as representing artisans who continue to make combs and other objects out of cow horn – Antun Penezić, who was born in Škrnik near Kumrovec, and Istria's Alojz Segre. The exhibition involved films showing the work of both comb makers and the comb making process involving several stages of working the horn material, a film by exhibition author Tihana Kušenić on Antun Penezić, and field audio footage by Lidija Nikočević on the work of Alojz Segre and Antun Penezić.

Exhibition author: Tihana Kušenić

December 2015